How Biosafety is organized at the Mattenstrasse 28

The Biosafety Officer

Prof. Matthias Wymann / Deputy Prof. Rolf Zeller

...advises group leaders on the laws and guidelines
...controls their implementation in contact with the federal and cantonal authorities
...maintains an inventory of the projects with potential biohazards. 

The Group leaders...

...are responsible for biosafety in their laboratories
...know the law
...assess the risk of their project
...assign it to a risk class
...register the project with the Federal Coordination Center for Biotechnology via the BSO
...arrange the necessary safety measures
...plan for emergencies (contaminations, spills, injuries, etc.)


...know the law
...know the risks and the risk class of your project
...apply the required safety measures

The Cantonal Laboratory (Office for Safety in Chemistry and Biology)...

...regularly inspects the Mattenstrasse 28 and individual groups.

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